Tuesday 24 February 2009

A Man's Secrets to Successful Online Dating

People have taken to online dating like a duck takes to water…because it works…or, at least, it can work. Women are, in general, terrified of meeting a man that she has been chatting with online. All they have heard about are the scary things that can happen…and, I must say, they have a right to be careful to the extreme. That’s not only wise but vital. So what’s a nice guy to do? You aren’t a pervert, a sexual predator, or a weirdo. You are just a nice guy looking for “the” girl for you.

You must be patient. Don’t press her for personal information like her real name or where she lives. Keep your conversations light and fun until she feels comfortable talking with you online. Don’t try to rush her into meeting face-to-face. She will think you are desperate or a pervert. Patience. Patience. Patience.

Be absolutely honest about your physical appearance and job. A good relationship has never been, and will never be, built on lies and deceit. Eventually she will find out the truth anyway and there you are back at square one.

A picture really is worth a thousand words. Post many pictures of yourself doing your everyday activities and make them full body shots, not just head shots. If you were dating a girl in the real world she wouldn’t just see your head.

Once the discussion has been opened about meeting face-to-face for the first time, suggest that you meet in a very public place, during daylight hours and that she bring a friend with her. After all, you have nothing to hide. You’ve told her the truth about yourself and she has already seen a lot of pictures of you. The only thing left is to make her feel safe meeting you.

Sunday 15 February 2009

How To Get A Woman To 'Shower' You With Attention!

The other day, we told you:
"If you'd like a woman to shower you with attention, you must always be needed and wanted... Simply do (THIS???) and the seduction can last forever." 99.9% of men shoot themselves in the foot because they don't stick to this simple key element! How many times have you failed with women because of (THIS???)

So, what is THIS??? ... How does a guy get a woman to 'shower' him with attention?


Once you've made a good impression on a woman -- for example you've said 'hi' to her, she's said 'hi' back, and you've had a chance to flirt and establish a slight level of attraction -- you increase the heat by suddenly backing off. As explained in our book, your goal is to leave her 'wanting more'.

Women do this all the time to men. This is almost a tradition, and so it can really infect a woman with attraction when a guy does it. Because it's the last thing that she expects. FACT: Men are generally the aggressors. Men pursue women.

FACT: Most often a woman wants a man that she pursues.

CONCLUSION: Do not chase women. You want women to chase you. And you do this by combining flirtatious behavior with 'detachment'. USING THIS STRATEGY IN REAL LIFE...
To 'detach' from a woman, you first need to ignite a spark of attraction with flirtatious behavior ... Smiles, seductive language, exciting movements (* read the complete guide to flirting in The 'Science' of Picking Up Women).

After you've set the stage with flirtatious behavior, it's time to 'detach' and back off... Suddenly, the woman is left wondering why you backed off. She is left thinking about you.
Your goal is to leave her to think about you for a few days... the next time you see her, once again be warm and flirtatious.

Then start the cycle of detachment all over again. WARNING: There is a danger of being labeled an 'office tease' if you don't step up the heat in future encounters that you use flirtatious behavior. So step up the heat, use detachment to leave her thinking about you more and more, and when the time is right, when you feel that she is literally hoping more than anything to be with you... ASK YOURSELF: Do you want this woman to become 'obsessed' with you? You have set the stage for serious 'obsession', and as you are about to find out with this woman, sex with an obsessed woman is one of the seven wonders of the world.

Read that again. Sex with an obsessed woman is one of the seven wonders of the world.

Sure, she might think that you're a jerk... that you're a 'player'... that you'll probably 'play' her... BUT SHE WILL STILL WANT YOU. She'll start showing up where she knows she'll find you... at your work, at school, at the nightclub. She'll start talking to all of her friends about you. She'll start calling you day and night.

She might start annoying you. But, those are the drawbacks you'll have to live with when you have used detachment on a woman so many times that she's willing to put out sex where ever and when ever you want it.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Guaranteed Dating Tips For Guys

There are a wide variety of dating tips for guys on the internet. Some suggestions are better than others and you have to find and try many things before you find a method that suits you. If you keep going and do not give up, you will be dating in no time.

You must be out there and available to meet people. This is one of the various dating tips for guys that really work. You cannot sit at home and hope that a date will fall from the sky. You have to get out there and meet lots of people before you find the perfect one. If this is something you find difficult you can take confidence form the fact that the more frequently you go out the easier it will get.

But remember, once you make yourself available, you must do the work. When you meet and talk to a woman you need to show genuine interest in what she is saying. This is one of the best dating tips for guys.

Another tip for dating is to listen to what is being said during a conversation, this is a skill you should develop if you wish to date successfully. Whilst you should avoid acting like a parrot with a woman, you should repeat at least some of the things she says back to her, this way she knows you are listening and have an interest in what she is saying.

Another of the great dating tips for guys is to be romantic. This is a quality that women find attractive in a guy and this is a great way to succeed with any woman. Flowers and dinner, gifts and compliments and anything else that suits the moment can put you apart from the rest and leave a favorable and lasting impression.

With so many dating tips for guys out there it is important to discover what is best for your personality. Do not make this more difficult than it needs to be, let your dating style develop gradually, this will make it appear natural. Always try to be yourself as this is something that will work and will pay off in the long run as well.