Tuesday 21 April 2009

How to Get a Girl to Like You? Become the Ultimate Girl Magnet and Pull Any Girl You Want

Getting a girl to like you can be a very exciting as well as intimidating task. But, if you really want a girl in your life, or you at least want to explore the prospects of having a girl in your life, then it is something that you need to do. There are many ways of getting a girl to like you. In fact, this is considerably easier than all the other things that men have to do for women.

Be charming. This can be very effective in girls who are still in the fairy tale stage of their lives. They half expect guys to sweep them off their feet and take them to a castle far away. Being charming of course, does not have to mean tights and horseback riding. Women likes men who are fun loving and easy to get along with. A good sense of humour can set you apart from all the rest of the guys wooing the girl you like. Making a girl laugh is a rare gift than women always find attractive in guys.

Be a gentleman. This technique is said to be outdated and should be forgotten. However, there are still girls who like their guys chivalrous and reserved so you have to consider being one. This entails good manners and cultured ways. If you are not this type of guy and the girl whom you wish to like you is into this, feign a gentlemanly decorum. Maybe it will rub off on you for real. If not, just keep your ways in check. If you are a truly good guy, it will show.

Be good listener. Women appreciate guys who can lend his ear even to their most trivial thoughts or to their most horrendous rants. Being a good listener will show that you care enough to understand another person's life and thoughts.

Be a good friend. Guys are perceived to only like girls for selfish ulterior motives. Girls are most welcoming to guys who can be their friends as much as partners. In fact, they would prefer a pal/boyfriend combo. They find it refreshing when guys can be around as friends without any malice involved. This is a good thing because either way, good friendships are the cornerstone of successful relationships.

Be honest. Girls especially hate being lied to. If there are things you think a girl needs to know about you, you have to go out and say it. Disclosing important information about yourself that can affect a girl's liking of you should be done. In any case, she will either like you or not, and hiding important things from a girl will only make you look shady and unworthy of her interest, much less her trust.

Be a constant surprise. Girls like it when guys show different sides of themselves at different times. This ought to keep her interested in you and will make her want to know you more as a person. This is one of the surest ways in getting a girl to like you.

For more tips on dating tips for men visit dating tips for guys

pull any girl you want

Earth Shattering Ways to Make a Girl Want You - They'll Literally Be Screaming For You

Making a girl want you doesn't take good looks, fast cars and money. It is a task that is in a league of its own. Making a girl want you suggests that you have mastered the art of "charm"

It might take a bit of work but this should never be apparent to her. She should remain as clueless as possible. You must not let her notice that you are trying to make her want you or that you are trying too hard. Being too enthusiastic in pursuing this task will give away the trick. For you to succeed, she should not be able to know that the status quo of your relationship no longer exists. Your actions should not be indicative of any effort on your part.

Be invisibly present. Although your constant presence in your girl's life will please her, this will not be doing you any favours. There are certain girls who view relationship as a power struggle and whoever possesses the greater power wins. Being always around and available for her will lead her to realize that she has you wrapped around her fingers. This can only make you lose any chance of making her want you. Try pulling away from physical attachments or diminish constant physical presence. If you do not live together, do not suggest moving in just yet. In fact, make your visit less often so she will have the chance to actually miss you and she will be the one to initiate contact with you. The bottom line is, having something or somebody around all the time diminishes desirability of the same. Let her be the one to seek you out and come to you.

Be a constant source of fun. Many guys underestimate the power of having a great sense of humour. If and when you hit a difficult part in your relationship, the ability to make your girl laugh will sail you through the rough seas. Guys should remember to be the post on which their girls lean on. Girls want guys who are dependable especially during the most extreme of circumstances. It is the yardstick by which men out measure boys.

Be full of surprises. This is a very effective way of making a girl want you even more. Girls like to look forward to something new every day. It does not necessarily entail giving her tangible or material gifts but rather the little surprises that come with the growth of your relationship. Girls like men who can take their breath away at the most unexpected times. A man who can do that is definitely on his way to making a girl want him.

For more tips on dating tips for men visit dating tips for guys

make a girl want you

Guys, Know How to Get a Girl and Have Desirable Women Throwing Themselves at You

Guys, undoubtedly, are most interested in knowing how to get a girl. Among the myriad of ways employed by guys all over the world, here are some conventional and unconventional ways of how to get a girl.

Stand Out. For every desirable girl, there are at least ten guys vying for her attention. These guys might be a lot smarter, good looking, and more affluent than you are. You are aware of just how tough the competition is, so you do whatever it takes to stand out, in a positive way. Perhaps you have a great sense of humour, use that as an edge over those guys. Make sure that a girl remembers you for a long time after she has met you.

Make a good first impression. Some girls judge guys according to how they are on their first meeting so make the most of what might be your only chance. Be as pleasant as you can be and be sure to leave a lasting first impression. Other guys on the other hand use the reverse style called shock and awe. In any case, be sure to leave a mark in the girl's memory.

Get to the source. Engage in activities that will put to in contact with girls. Hang back a while longer at the check-out counter when you do your groceries. You might run into a nice single girl who might need your help in carrying her groceries. Be a regular Lancelot whenever you can. Chivalry still works these days.

If you are not very comfortable with casually coming up to a girl to invite her for a cup of coffee, as do many guys, you may want to ask for your male friends' assistance. Let them introduce you to girls outside your circle. This is very common among male friends and is much advised for shy guys who cannot muster initiating a conversation with girls. This is also more advantageous to you since you will have first hand information about the girl so you know what approach to use in interacting with her.

Perhaps one of the fastest growing ways of how to get a girl is through the internet. Online dating is very popular these days that some people actually prefer it than actually meeting girls in person. This offers a lot of advantages for guys; for one thing they can communicate with girls with a touch of a button. They can get more girls online simply by having a good profile. The internet, however, cannot replace the actual personal interaction between guys and girls. Perhaps online dating should only be treated as a means to an end rather as an end in itself. Guys should not have settle getting girls online but never meeting them in person.

For more tips on dating tips for men visit dating tips for guys

desirable women

How to Kiss a Girl - Discover the Most Powerful Way to Turn Her On

A kiss is the single most endearing act that mankind has been blessed with. A kiss can mean different things depending on the giver and the recipient and sometimes it is just like an instantaneous action between two people. Like all other things though, even kissing has a standard of measure by which it is judged. Now the question to which most men do not know the answer, how to kiss a girl. There are so many ways on how to kiss a girl and it is largely dependent on what message you want your kiss to send as well as the stage of your relationship.

When you are just starting to date, kissing is expected however, it is in this time when you have to be very cautious on how to kiss a girl. A peck on the cheek is always acceptable when saying hello and bidding goodbye. It is neither too casual nor too aggressive. Your tongue should be nowhere near her mouth.

As your relationship progresses, so does your kisses. A kiss on the mouth becomes your unspoken greeting to each other although your lips do not linger on each other's. It is also still best to keep your tongue in check during the kiss.

More passionate kisses are expected as your relationship matures and French kissing is just around the quad. French kissing would entail the use of the tongue to maraud your partner's mouth and explore its every corner. A few things to remember though:

Keep your spittle in check. It would ruin the mood if you start to drool into your girl's mouth. That is certainly no way to kiss a girl.

Excessive moaning on your part is a major turn off. Keep your groans low. You do not want to be mistaken as a cat in heat.

Your hands are best cupping her face or caress her cheek

Do not open your mouth as wide as you can. French kissing should be romantic; it should not look like you are eating each other's face.

A very important point on how to kiss a girl is that it should be sincere and genuine. It should sum up all the things that you cannot put in words. As they say, the kiss is invented because not all can be poets. Being a good kisser should convey your true feelings. There should be truth in your kiss because that is something that girls are looking for. In fact some of them judge the whole relationship based on how good your kissing bouts are.

Practice makes perfect. You may not be the best kisser but you can get better with time. The more kisses you share, the better it will become until one day you just realized you are so comfortable kissing each other. However, kissing should never lose its meaning to you. No matter how many times you kiss a girl, it should be as magical as the first time you ever laid your lips on hers.

For more tips on dating tips for men visit dating tips for guys

how to kiss a girl

Getting a Girl to Like You - Sure Fire Tips on Getting a Girl to Like You and Want Your Body

Getting a girl can be as hard or as easy as you want it to be. No matter what type of guy you are, there are helpful tips for getting a girl you can count on.

Getting a girl requires more effort from some guys and some just get girls easily. This has a lot to do with your personal style in getting girls and certain variables. Keep in mind that every girl is different, as the shells on the beach though numerous are unique from each other. Having a working understanding of what girls like and what they want would give you can edge over other guys. Every move you make on getting a girl should tailor fit her personality and how she interacts with men. A gesture that works wonders on one girl might be proven to be disastrously atrocious for another girl. Take time to understand how every girl's mind works then take your pick. Factor in the probability of you actually getting whoever you choose.

The tips for getting a girl rule book suggests that you must be very flexible in your personality, manners, and habits. If you are the type of guy who simply cannot settle with one type of girl to get, then you should be able to adapt to all types of personality otherwise, you will most likely lose out in getting the girls that you like.

Your likeability factors in well in your chances to get a girl. It is a fact that no girl would want to be with a guy whom she cannot stand. If you are generally likeable, that is, you are not repulsive by nature, and you possess a certain level of charm, your chances of getting a girl will be slightly higher.

Location. Location. Location. It is impossible to get a girl in places where there are no girls. It is not rocket science, simply common sense. If you are intent on getting a girl then you should probably be in places or at least proximate to places with a large population of girls. Again, you are playing against the odds here. Chances are, you are going to fail in getting most of the girls at any given place so you might as well invest your chances on numbers as well. Start with the places that you normally go to, with or without the intent of getting or picking up girls. If you regularly work out for instance, scope out the playing field and pick your targets then strategize. Either you approach them right then and there and find out whether or not you have a shot or take a more calculated approach by keeping your distance first until you can determine with whom you have the best chance.

For more tips on dating tips for men visit dating tips for guys

getting a girl to like you

Friday 20 March 2009

Top Five Dating Tips for Guys Who Want a Second Date

Are you the type of guy who seems to have no problem getting a date but can never seem to ever get that second date? Don't worry there is help and these dating tips for guys will help you score that must desired second date.

Dating Tip #1: Dress to Impress
Even though you might be the guy who hasn't bought a new pair of pants, new shirt or new shoes in 10 years, this is the time to do it. A lady wants to be proud of the man she is with and dressing well is one way that you will be that guy. Go out and buy yourself a new outfit, or better yet buy a whole new wardrobe! It's time to take the plunge and get nice clothes that fit you well. If you are not sure about what is in style or what really fits you well walk into any men's store, grab the first female sales associate who appears to be about your age, because yes your clothes need to be age appropriate, and ask her for help. Give her the low down on how everything you own has either been worn to work and is not fit for taking a lady out or how your closet hasn't had a new addition in 10 years.

Dating Tip #2: Shower, shave and smell good!
Let's face it guys it might be ok to hang out with your buddies when you haven't shaved in a week and the last shower you had was around that time too but no lady wants to be with you when you stink and look like a mountain man. Get your hygiene in order and do it fast! Don't forget to dab and yes that means just a little bit, of cologne on to smell good during the entire date. Women love a man who smells great without being able to smell him from a mile away.

Dating Tip #3: Don't Smoke Unless She Does
If you are a smoker this might be a great time to quit unless your date is a smoker too. Ask first so that you know if you should just leave the cigarettes at home and sit in non-smoking. It's just the polite thing to do and trust me she will thank you for it.

Dating Tip #4: Sports is not a religion
Don't get me wrong guys there are some women out there that love sports just as much and your guy friends, but there is also a good amount of women who could care less about the topic. If she is into it great, talk about it all you want. But if she isn't, don't worry you can discuss the most recent games with your buddies later.

Dating Tip #5: Talk and Listen
Always remember that there is a line between having a conversation with someone and just talking at them. Make sure to engage your date in a conversation that will get her mind going because you want her to be interested in you but also have the time to allow you to be interested in her thoughts too.

Follow these top 5 dating tips for guys and you should have no problem getting that second date the next time around!

For tips on dating for men and reviews on dating tips and guides visit: http://www.Dating4Men.com

dating for men

Finding A Girl To Share Your Interest With

While many of us are exhausting ourselves by searching for the perfect lifetime mate, we often neglect the opportunities to simply enjoy life with new acquaintances who share in the same interests as we do. Sometimes it is very easy to get discouraged by the lack of lifelong partner prospects that we seem to have. But that is no reason to allow ourselves to despair to the extent that we are unable to enjoy the good things life has to offer in the company of new friends.

Many clubs and organizations have begun including an area on their website for interested parties to meet up with other people within the organization. While these are sometimes referred to and publicized as an online dating service, in many cases the websites are just extensions of the activities of the club or organization, and the friendships and relationships that grow from meeting others who share your hobbies can be very rewarding in themselves.

We've all had a relationship or two in which our partner has no interest in doing our favorite thing in the world with us. It can be really frustrating to thoroughly enjoy a particular activity so much, and care so deeply for another person, and know that the two things that make you happiest will never co-exist. Our basic desire to make our loved ones happy usually prompts us to try to coheres our significant other into attempting some recreational activity that he or she has no interest in pursuing, or worse yet, is seemingly passionate against.

Rather than burden a relationship with the attempt to impose each others interests on the other, why not start off with those people that you know enjoy the things in life that really get your blood pumping ? If you don't happen to find a lifelong romantic relationship in the process, at least you will completely enjoy the quest! By taking the emphasis off of the potential relationship, and instead onto the act of simply enjoying life, the mutual attraction to a particular event eliminates some of the stress of the "first date".

Start off by Googling your favorite pastime, and see if there are any local clubs or organizations that you can join to enjoy your hobby while meeting new people. If no clubs exist, and you feel adventurous, try an internet blog site, and see if you can round up a few people to go skydiving or power walking or whatever within your area. The likelihood of meeting someone that you may have a lasting relationship with be increased as you find yourself enjoying the time you are spending with your new friends.

As we all know, we are more comfortable with ourselves when we feel good about what we are doing, and for most of us, the idea of going on a first date, or worse yet a blind date, is intimidating and uncomfortable. By casually attending group events through a common area of interest, the uneasiness of a first date, or an attempt to overtly impress someone needs to never be part of the matchmaking equation.

For tips on dating for men and reviews on dating tips and guides visit: http://www.Dating4Men.com

finding a girl

Guys Be Honest About Yourself When Using An Online Dating Service

When making the decision to use a dating service to help you take some of the guesswork out of trying to find someone to have a lasting relationship with, the most important thing to remember is honesty.

The statement sounds trite, but in many cases it is just too easy to amplify your traits and credentials to try to impress yourself upon someone else. The advent of the computer based matchmaking software can sometime overburden this already difficult temptation to escape. In other ways, the internet based dating services can alleviate these tensions. It all depends on how serious you are about your goals with an internet dating service, and your willingness to keep your own ego in check when putting together your biography.

Always remember that past incompatibilities and the accompanying frustrations are what brought you to the point of seeking the services of a compatibility based dating system. Don't compound the issue by erroneously portraying yourself, or you will surely continue to be connected with people whom you simply do not have enough in common with to forge a long term commitment. Commitment is another issue. If you are not looking for a long term commitment, be sure to say that. There is no shame in wanting to casually date others whom you already know share in the interests that make you happy in your life.

If long term commitment is your goal, be honest about that also. Most of the other people engaging in the service of an online dating company will also be tired of short term relationships and are ready to settle down with someone whom they can be immediately comfortable with.

Have the self confidence to recognize that whatever it is that makes you who you are is perfect to help you find someone else that will make you happy. It will also lead you to someone who you can make happy too. In the frustrations of dating, it is easy to lose sight of our basic desire to make someone else happy. We think we are looking for someone to fulfill our needs, but one of the basic needs we all share is the desire to be vital to someone else's happiness. Reputable dating services that use extensive compatibility software to match the desires and personalities of their clients are a wonderful way to confidently engage in a dating relationship that is just "easy" from the beginning. But, again, the key to making the process go smoothly is to be completely honest in your self analysis.

Avoid the free online dating services, and also be sure to use a dating service that engages in a complex level of question and answer sessions, including asking you how important their questions are to you. You can disagree with your compatible soul mate on many topics, if it is determined that both of you do not consider the topics to be of vital concern. Many people enjoy and thrive on the thrill of debating opposing views with their partner. Again, honesty is the key.

For tips on dating for men and reviews on dating tips and guides visit: http://www.Dating4Men.com

dating for men

Thursday 19 March 2009

Cheap First Date Ideas That Wont Break the Bank

So you finally got up the courage to ask her out and she said yes! But now you have another issue, your low on cash but still really want to take her out.

Don't worry! Here are several cheap first date ideas that your date will love.

The Zoo

Who doesn't love the zoo? Not only is this a cheap date idea but also a fun date idea. You can walk around looking at the animals, browse in the gift shop and have tons of great conversation. Don't forget to tell her one of your funny zoo stories from when you were a kid, she will love it.


If your first date is during the week the bowling can be a fun and cheap first date idea. Many times bowling alleys will run specials on certain days during the week so call before you go to see what special they are having that day.

A Picnic

A picnic is a great first date idea that will give you time to chat and feel at ease together. Grab an old blanket make a few sandwiches, toss in a few snacks and pick up a cheap bottle of wine. Not only will she be impressed at your thoughtfulness but she will also love the idea of talking with you.

Volunteer At A Local Animal Shelter

What girl doesn't want to see that you have a soft, caring side? Not only will volunteering at an animal shelter be a great way to show her your softer side but also will be a good thing for the shelter and your community. You can walk the dogs, play with the cats and just have a fun, not to mention free, date.

The Beach

You don't have to wear a bathing suit at the beach, you don't even have to go in the water. At the beach you can fly a kite, bike ride on the trails, toss the Frisbee around or just sit in the sun. You can also go in the water if you want to in regular clothes so that no one feels uncomfortable wearing a bathing suit on the first date. Bring an extra pair of shorts and shirt just in case and make sure to tell her to do the same. Having fun together is a sure way to impress your date.

A first date doesn't have to be a budget busting, bank empting event. It can also be a great way to spend time with the girl you have been dying to take out for months and actually getting to know her.

Instead of draining your savings account why not appeal to her softer side and show her that you really put a lot of thought into your date and making it as easy going as possible. No one likes pressure on the first date and with these cheap first date ideas no one will feel uneasy which will surely help move you from date one to date two plus many more!

For tips on dating for men and reviews on dating tips and guides visit: http://www.Dating4Men.com

first date ideas

Wednesday 11 March 2009

Be The Guy That Does Get The Girl!

I never had confidence when talking to girls. I could not get the right words to come out of my mouth. I wanted to run away instead of trying to talk to them. I could talk to my friends that were girls like nothing, I did not understand why I could not talk to hot girls when I saw them. I have never felt good about myself though ever since high school when people use to pick on me all the time. I thought that I was meant to be alone forever with my online video games. That is until I found "Be the Guy Who Gets the Girl". It changed my life.

I have found the confidence I have been lacking my entire life. A girl made the guide, so I was immediately convinced it would work. I have been so lonely, and who knows what women want more than women do? The advice is very simple and easy to understand, yet professional. It is legit advice you can tell an expert has written. The ideas are not outlandish and more than just common sense. Anyone can follow these guidelines like I did, and find love.

It is not just a how to pick up the girl sort of thing, it goes through every step to get the girls and keep her and covers any question you could possibly have. You will have such success with this book like I did. I will admit that I did not find true love immediately, but I had the confidence to keep trying. I knew that although maybe my relationship did not work out, I would get another date. I would never spend a weekend alone again. The tips work on any girl as long as you follow them correctly.

A membership includes more than the guide itself, you get bonus guides as well that are just as useful. One is a guide "The Definitive Microsex Guide." This lifelong guide sends you helpful sex tips and weekly sex positions including photographs and video clips to teach you.

They are very simple and direct, easy to learn. The next bonus gift is the "Conversation King." This book has over 50 pages of tips to start conversations with women and keep them going. Become a smooth talker and win the girls over, this is my personal favorite book I received.

Finally you get "Secrets of a Sex Magnet." This book helps you attract even more women.

Guy Gets Girl gives you 60 days to try it and receive a full refund if you find that you are dissatisfied. Without this book I would still be spending Saturday nights with my cat playing my online battle games. Life is so much more interesting with a girlfriend at my side. Do not be afraid, use this easy to understand guide and the bonus gifts to fulfill your dream of a romantic relationship.

For tips on dating for men and reviews on dating tips and guides visit: http://www.Dating4Men.com

Tuesday 24 February 2009

A Man's Secrets to Successful Online Dating

People have taken to online dating like a duck takes to water…because it works…or, at least, it can work. Women are, in general, terrified of meeting a man that she has been chatting with online. All they have heard about are the scary things that can happen…and, I must say, they have a right to be careful to the extreme. That’s not only wise but vital. So what’s a nice guy to do? You aren’t a pervert, a sexual predator, or a weirdo. You are just a nice guy looking for “the” girl for you.

You must be patient. Don’t press her for personal information like her real name or where she lives. Keep your conversations light and fun until she feels comfortable talking with you online. Don’t try to rush her into meeting face-to-face. She will think you are desperate or a pervert. Patience. Patience. Patience.

Be absolutely honest about your physical appearance and job. A good relationship has never been, and will never be, built on lies and deceit. Eventually she will find out the truth anyway and there you are back at square one.

A picture really is worth a thousand words. Post many pictures of yourself doing your everyday activities and make them full body shots, not just head shots. If you were dating a girl in the real world she wouldn’t just see your head.

Once the discussion has been opened about meeting face-to-face for the first time, suggest that you meet in a very public place, during daylight hours and that she bring a friend with her. After all, you have nothing to hide. You’ve told her the truth about yourself and she has already seen a lot of pictures of you. The only thing left is to make her feel safe meeting you.

Sunday 15 February 2009

How To Get A Woman To 'Shower' You With Attention!

The other day, we told you:
"If you'd like a woman to shower you with attention, you must always be needed and wanted... Simply do (THIS???) and the seduction can last forever." 99.9% of men shoot themselves in the foot because they don't stick to this simple key element! How many times have you failed with women because of (THIS???)

So, what is THIS??? ... How does a guy get a woman to 'shower' him with attention?


Once you've made a good impression on a woman -- for example you've said 'hi' to her, she's said 'hi' back, and you've had a chance to flirt and establish a slight level of attraction -- you increase the heat by suddenly backing off. As explained in our book, your goal is to leave her 'wanting more'.

Women do this all the time to men. This is almost a tradition, and so it can really infect a woman with attraction when a guy does it. Because it's the last thing that she expects. FACT: Men are generally the aggressors. Men pursue women.

FACT: Most often a woman wants a man that she pursues.

CONCLUSION: Do not chase women. You want women to chase you. And you do this by combining flirtatious behavior with 'detachment'. USING THIS STRATEGY IN REAL LIFE...
To 'detach' from a woman, you first need to ignite a spark of attraction with flirtatious behavior ... Smiles, seductive language, exciting movements (* read the complete guide to flirting in The 'Science' of Picking Up Women).

After you've set the stage with flirtatious behavior, it's time to 'detach' and back off... Suddenly, the woman is left wondering why you backed off. She is left thinking about you.
Your goal is to leave her to think about you for a few days... the next time you see her, once again be warm and flirtatious.

Then start the cycle of detachment all over again. WARNING: There is a danger of being labeled an 'office tease' if you don't step up the heat in future encounters that you use flirtatious behavior. So step up the heat, use detachment to leave her thinking about you more and more, and when the time is right, when you feel that she is literally hoping more than anything to be with you... ASK YOURSELF: Do you want this woman to become 'obsessed' with you? You have set the stage for serious 'obsession', and as you are about to find out with this woman, sex with an obsessed woman is one of the seven wonders of the world.

Read that again. Sex with an obsessed woman is one of the seven wonders of the world.

Sure, she might think that you're a jerk... that you're a 'player'... that you'll probably 'play' her... BUT SHE WILL STILL WANT YOU. She'll start showing up where she knows she'll find you... at your work, at school, at the nightclub. She'll start talking to all of her friends about you. She'll start calling you day and night.

She might start annoying you. But, those are the drawbacks you'll have to live with when you have used detachment on a woman so many times that she's willing to put out sex where ever and when ever you want it.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Guaranteed Dating Tips For Guys

There are a wide variety of dating tips for guys on the internet. Some suggestions are better than others and you have to find and try many things before you find a method that suits you. If you keep going and do not give up, you will be dating in no time.

You must be out there and available to meet people. This is one of the various dating tips for guys that really work. You cannot sit at home and hope that a date will fall from the sky. You have to get out there and meet lots of people before you find the perfect one. If this is something you find difficult you can take confidence form the fact that the more frequently you go out the easier it will get.

But remember, once you make yourself available, you must do the work. When you meet and talk to a woman you need to show genuine interest in what she is saying. This is one of the best dating tips for guys.

Another tip for dating is to listen to what is being said during a conversation, this is a skill you should develop if you wish to date successfully. Whilst you should avoid acting like a parrot with a woman, you should repeat at least some of the things she says back to her, this way she knows you are listening and have an interest in what she is saying.

Another of the great dating tips for guys is to be romantic. This is a quality that women find attractive in a guy and this is a great way to succeed with any woman. Flowers and dinner, gifts and compliments and anything else that suits the moment can put you apart from the rest and leave a favorable and lasting impression.

With so many dating tips for guys out there it is important to discover what is best for your personality. Do not make this more difficult than it needs to be, let your dating style develop gradually, this will make it appear natural. Always try to be yourself as this is something that will work and will pay off in the long run as well.