Friday 20 March 2009

Top Five Dating Tips for Guys Who Want a Second Date

Are you the type of guy who seems to have no problem getting a date but can never seem to ever get that second date? Don't worry there is help and these dating tips for guys will help you score that must desired second date.

Dating Tip #1: Dress to Impress
Even though you might be the guy who hasn't bought a new pair of pants, new shirt or new shoes in 10 years, this is the time to do it. A lady wants to be proud of the man she is with and dressing well is one way that you will be that guy. Go out and buy yourself a new outfit, or better yet buy a whole new wardrobe! It's time to take the plunge and get nice clothes that fit you well. If you are not sure about what is in style or what really fits you well walk into any men's store, grab the first female sales associate who appears to be about your age, because yes your clothes need to be age appropriate, and ask her for help. Give her the low down on how everything you own has either been worn to work and is not fit for taking a lady out or how your closet hasn't had a new addition in 10 years.

Dating Tip #2: Shower, shave and smell good!
Let's face it guys it might be ok to hang out with your buddies when you haven't shaved in a week and the last shower you had was around that time too but no lady wants to be with you when you stink and look like a mountain man. Get your hygiene in order and do it fast! Don't forget to dab and yes that means just a little bit, of cologne on to smell good during the entire date. Women love a man who smells great without being able to smell him from a mile away.

Dating Tip #3: Don't Smoke Unless She Does
If you are a smoker this might be a great time to quit unless your date is a smoker too. Ask first so that you know if you should just leave the cigarettes at home and sit in non-smoking. It's just the polite thing to do and trust me she will thank you for it.

Dating Tip #4: Sports is not a religion
Don't get me wrong guys there are some women out there that love sports just as much and your guy friends, but there is also a good amount of women who could care less about the topic. If she is into it great, talk about it all you want. But if she isn't, don't worry you can discuss the most recent games with your buddies later.

Dating Tip #5: Talk and Listen
Always remember that there is a line between having a conversation with someone and just talking at them. Make sure to engage your date in a conversation that will get her mind going because you want her to be interested in you but also have the time to allow you to be interested in her thoughts too.

Follow these top 5 dating tips for guys and you should have no problem getting that second date the next time around!

For tips on dating for men and reviews on dating tips and guides visit:

dating for men

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